How can scented candles help you fight depression?

scented candles - ruby and violet
Depression has been on the rise among people. It presents long-term depressed interests, reduced energy, and low spirits in people and is estimated to affect around 270 million people worldwide. It can manifest in loss of self-esteem and, if untreated, proceed towards suicidal tendencies. Medications can provide short-term relief. But therapy counseling and relaxation training can work wonders in the treatment of the condition.

Role of scented candles in fighting depression

Scented candles have been in use for ages for meditative and relaxing purposes. Once used by the royalty as a mood enhancer and aphrodisiac, their use in calming the mind has been recognized even by psychologists and counselors. They are used in sessions as alternative healing methods to help in soothing the person's nerves and making him relaxed and comfortable.

Scented Candles as Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy treats the person as a whole instead of treating him based on his individual symptoms. Widely referred to as Complementary and Alternative medicine, Holistic Therapy works on the physical and energy balances of the person. They consider the emotional, spiritual, and social states of health as well as the physical and mental health for more effective healing. Without disregarding medical interventions, they tend to work with them side by side for effective treatment.

Scented candles achieve all of the above-mentioned goals by working on the brain through the olfactory nerves. Not only do they soothe and relax the body and mind, but they also increase focus, stimulate the mind with aiding in sleep disorders, a common problem in people with depression.

Candles for sleep disorders

Vanilla is among the best scented candles for sleep disorders. Vanilla oil contains substances that mix quicker in the bloodstream. This helps it reach the neurotransmitters controlling sleep and relaxation in a more effective manner. The sedative and pain-relieving effects of the oil further aid in undisturbed sleep, and you wake up refreshed the next day. Apart from vanilla, jasmine and rose are some other scents useful for helping in sleep. These fragrances reduce the heart rate and soothe the agitated mind for a peaceful night's sleep.

Candles for soothing the mind

Lavender is said to work wonders for soothing the mind. The scent of lavender works on the brain through the olfactory nerves and relieves headaches, migraines, and even asthma attacks. It eases muscle aches and, through it, relaxes the body. Lavender is said to affect the body's limbic system linked to blood pressure, hormone balance, stress, and the other emotional factors activated by an agitated mind. It is used and explicitly recommended by psychologists for helping with depression, anxiety, and other neurological disorders. Apart from lavender citrus oil, pine and peppermints are some other effective candle scents for soothing the mind.

Candles for increasing focus

Depression leads to loss of focus with anxiety and insomnia that affect the person's quality of life. Studies have shown that rosemary and spearmint scents can stimulate the brain and ease body disorders through their carminative and antispasmodic properties. Once the body starts relaxing, the mind starts focussing in a better manner. Research has also proved that rosemary scent can positively impact human short-term memory by helping in better memorization of numbers.

Candles for elevating the mood

Any Citrus scent can have a strong impact on your mood. Lemongrass, orange, grapefruit contain d-limonene that works on the neurotransmitters for relaxing effects. They work on the sinuses and on the general limbic system to decrease heart rate by acting as muscle relaxants. The limbic system also impacts memory and emotional responses that are achieved by citrus scents. Apart from citrus, mint is another mood elevator scent. Mint gives you a feeling of wakefulness by dilating the blood vessels and, in turn, increasing the oxygen supply to the brain.

Purpose of aroma in candles

Aroma candles, through their natural scents, decrease stress and have a calming effect on the mind. Through their healing properties, they lower cortisol levels and increase the levels of dopamine to have a positive impact on mood and overall senses. Best scented candles like geranium, lavender, and vanilla are recommended explicitly by counselors to be used for people with depressive tendencies.  By improving our mood, decreasing our anxiety levels, and helping with sleep, they impact our psychological conditions and the overall quality of our life.

End Thoughts

If you have been going through depression lately, consider taking help of the best scented candles from Ruby & Violet. They have a wide range of scented candles to take your mood by surprise for sure.


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